Hello all, just thought I would reach out to touch base with you all in these difficult times. Hopefully you are all safe, and healthy, and looking forward to returning to more normal times.
Given that dental offices will be among the first to open when business resumes, I wanted you to know what we will be doing to keep you safe.
Sterilization and disinfection protocols for instruments and surfaces have always been mandated at very high levels, and these will continue. If you would like to know more about our rigorous practices, please
click here to learn more.
The owners of our medical building have also assured us that cleaning and disinfection of common areas, elevators and such are being maintained at a very high level as well.
To more effectively protect our patients and staff, we will also be utilizing enhanced personal protection protocols where appropriate, such as face shields and gowns.

In addition, we will be establishing more rigorous social distancing practices. We are fortunate to have overflow operatories for our hygienists, and for myself, and we will be using those to the fullest. Your operatory will be thoroughly disinfected and treated with specialized air filtration units prior to your arrival. This will allow you to be seated directly, without use of the waiting room. We will be able to complete your treatment and all administrative functions in that operatory.
It is also my hope that COVID 19 testing capability and availability will evolve to the point where testing can be expanded. This is the real answer for contact tracing to control community spread. I have read that public health views dental offices as an ideal location to provide this testing, and our office would be on board to participate.
In the meantime, please continue to maintain your dental health at home (see Sara’s blog). If you do have a dental emergency, please contact me at 416 540 4132. Examples of these issues that should be dealt with would be swelling, severe or prolonged pain, broken teeth etc. I will triage your issue over the phone, and ask you appropriate Covid 19 screening questions prior to making an appointment. We have been seeing patients who need urgent treatment, so please know we are there for you.
Dr. Henry Kutzko